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League of Women Voters of the San Antonio Area



Together we can protect and defend democracy.

Four Volunteers Registering Voters

As an all-volunteer, grassroots, nonprofit organization, the League of Women Voters relies on the financial support of concerned and engaged citizens like you to make democracy work for all people.

Your donations support the critical work we do to equip San Antonians with the knowledge, desire, and confidence to exercise their vote, participate in government, and shape stronger communities.

Volunteer Unloading Voters Guides

It is your donation that allows us to:

  • print, and distribute reliable, nonpartisan information in the Voters Guide;
  • translate, print, and distribute voter education materials in both English and Spanish;
  • organize and moderate candidate forums;
  • conduct voter registration and education drives;
  • organize educational forums with expert panels on important public policy issues that impact our community, such as gun safety, eminent domain, voter ID laws, and transportation challenges.


You can support these important LWVSA efforts by making your tax-deductible donation today!

Volunteers Encouraging Voting

Does your employer, or if you are retired, your former employer, offer a matching gifts program? If yes, it is a great way to double the impact of your donation! Just contact your Human Resources department and complete the necessary paperwork.  

For more information about making a donation, contact the League at

Donate Online

Donate By Mail

League of Women Voters of the San Antonio Area

PO Box 12811

San Antonio, TX 78212
(210) 657-2206