- can be expired for up to 4 years (no limitation on expiration period for people age 70+)
- ID name does not have to exactly match the name on your voter registration
- substantially similar match is acceptable; you'll simply initial a box acknowledging you are the person on the list of registered voters, and you will be offered an optional form that will change your name on your voter registration so you won’t be asked about it every time you vote.
- your ID does not need to have a "REAL ID compliant" gold star in order to vote
- DPS paper receipt with photo/temporary DPS Election Identification Certificate is acceptable
- you can get an Election Identification Certificate for free if you do not already have any of the other forms of acceptable photo ID. Call the Texas Department of Public Safety (512) 424-2600 for more information.
Note: The Election Identification Certificate (photo above) is not the same thing as your Voter Registration Certificate/Card (photo below).

(Image of EIC from “Providing Identification for Voting in Texas.” Texas Secretary of State Elections Division, 2 May 2018, www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/forms/id/acceptable-forms-of-ID.pdf.)